Pure Haven Essentials
Pure Haven Essentials by Peg Taylor: Peg Taylor is passionate about educating you so you can select the safest products for you and your family. In 2007, she attended the Alive Expo and learned to avoid aluminum, parabens, and sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). In April 2015, she was blown away when she learned toxins are allowed in our personal care and household products. It was a perfect fit for her to join Pure Haven Essentials, a direct sales company, whose primary mission is to teach people how to become ingredient detectives when choosing personal care and home products. Because it’s not only what you put IN your body, but what you put ON your body that can affect your health. KNOW your backside (ingredient label). Please contact Peg at 678-778-5060 to schedule your workshop for small or large group, lunch and learn, or one-on-one. Please visit her website: www.purehavenessentials.co
Peg is President of Douglas County ABWA, American Business Women’s Association. She volunteers at Autum Hills Foundation, Pregnancy Resource Center, and Cultural Arts Center. She chairs the Mirror Lake Community Wide Yard Sale and Holiday Bazaar.